Senin, 16 Januari 2023



welcome healthy citizens,happy reading in my article

Name :Mutiara Putri Winai 

Nim     :221051057

Class   :1B

study program: D3 dental health

tooth extraction during pregnancy, can it be done?

Toothache is a condition that can happen to anyone, including pregnant women. In fact, not a few pregnant women feel the need to extract their teeth so that their complaints can improve.

It is undeniable that hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can indeed have an impact on the occurrence of dental and oral problems. The risk of this condition can increase many times if pregnant women are also lazy to maintain dental hygiene.

Some oral disorders that are prone to occur during pregnancy are gingivitis, dental caries, and even cavities. If it is not resolved immediately and no further treatment can be done, then tooth extraction is a must-do action. The question is, is tooth extraction during pregnancy classified as a safe action to do?

Is it safe to extract teeth during pregnancy?

In fact, most dental work will be safer after you give birth. However, indeed, in some cases, doctors may recommend removing teeth during pregnancy so that complaints don't get worse.

Related to this, the Journal of the American Dental Association says that dental and oral care is generally safe to do during pregnancy. However, this treatment should be done when the gestational age enters the second trimester,

Why? Because, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is still very vulnerable. If dental treatment is carried out at this time, the risk of growth disturbances in the fetus may occur. Meanwhile, in the third trimester, changes in the mother's body have occurred significantly. Sitting for too long during dental procedures can even make pregnant women feel sore and tired.

What about medicine? Of course, administering drugs to help cure dental problems in pregnant women requires careful consideration. Dentists need to first carry out a thorough examination, so that later they can provide drugs that are completely safe for pregnant women and the fetus in their womb.

Then, what if you have to pull out your teeth during pregnancy? Is it safe? Could be yes, it could also not. In fact, dentists need to make careful consideration by selecting the right cases to perform tooth extraction procedures in pregnant women. So, it can't be arbitrary.

Maintain Dental Health during Pregnancy

Better to prevent than cure. Therefore, so that you don't need to go to the dentist, you must pay attention to the dental health of pregnant women. How to?

1. Check with the dentist when planning a pregnancy
It is highly recommended for women who are planning a pregnancy to do a full dental examination and treatment. This is useful for detecting possible problems so that they can be resolved immediately. This allows pregnancy to run safely and smoothly.

2. Brush Teeth Routinely and Regularly
In maintaining the health of the teeth of pregnant women, do routine and regular cleaning. Do your teeth twice a day and use toothpaste that contains fluoride to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Also choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. Do brush your teeth slowly, so as not to injure the gums.

3. Use Dental Floss If Necessary
Don't forget to clean between your teeth with special floss or dental floss, at least once a day. This allows the leftovers to be completely removed.

4. Limit Sweet and Sour Foods
Also apply a healthy lifestyle and adjust your diet to stay balanced. As much as possible, avoid consuming sweet or sour foods. These types of food can cause tooth decay, especially if consumed in excess.

Always pay attention to your dental health. If in the end you experience problems with your teeth and feel the need to pull your teeth during pregnancy, don't hesitate to immediately seek treatment from a competent dentist.

Thank you, I hope this is useful

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