Selasa, 17 Januari 2023

What is Dental Health and How to Take Care of Dental Health


Name : Prio Aji Indiarto

NIM   : 221051068

Prodi : D-III Kesehatan Gigi

Kelas : 1B

What is Dental Health and How to Take Care of Dental Health


        Dental health is something that is underestimated by some people because it is rarely discussed either at school or in society. Dental health greatly affects the health of other members of the body, both the mouth and digestive organs. If dental health is neglected, various other diseases will arise. On the other hand, if dental health is treated as well as possible, the body will be protected from various oral and digestive diseases.

What is Dental Health

        Dental health or often referred to as oral health is the condition of the oral cavity, including the teeth and their supporting network structures free from disease and pain, functioning optimally, which will lead to confidence and interpersonal relationships at the highest level. Dental health is one aspect of all health which is the result of the interaction between physical, mental and social conditions. Physical aspects, namely the condition of oral hygiene, tooth shape, and saliva which can affect dental and oral health.

What are the Diseases If Dental Health Is Not Treated

        There are many diseases if dental and oral health is not treated properly, this can even lead to chronic disease. If oral health is not good, the number of bacteria that enter through the bloodstream will increase many times to ten times. Here are 3 chronic diseases that can arise as a result of poor oral and dental health.

11           1. Gingivitis

        Gingivitis or in medical terms it is called Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums become swollen and redder than they should be. One of the signs of Gingivitis is bleeding when brushing your teeth. This happens because plaque and tartar stick to the edge of the gums. Gingivitis can get worse if not treated properly. Gingivitis can turn into complications with a higher level of severity, namely periodontitis or inflammation of the gums which can damage the soft tissues and bones that support the teeth. 


   2.  Heart disease 

         Germs in cavities can cause Periodontal disease or chronic infection of the gums. Periodontal is also often associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Germs in the mouth travel through the bloodstream which in turn helps plaque to build up in the arteries. Bacteria that move in the bloodstream can also go and land on the heart. Therefore, oral germs should not be underestimated because they can unknowingly interfere with important organs of the body such as the heart. 

  3.  Respiratory Disorders

    Besides moving to the heart, bacteria in the mouth can also move to the lungs. Someone with teeth full of plaque increases the likelihood of the risk of pneumonia or other respiratory disorders. This condition will also get worse if someone has a history of respiratory disease. Bacteria in the respiratory tract can worsen the patient's health condition and cause chronic lung diseases such as emphysema. A history of dental and oral health will be very helpful for maintaining the body as a whole. So don't just take medicine for your teeth and visit your doctor regularly.


How to Take Good Care of Dental Health

    There are many ways to properly care for dental health, one of which is by consulting a specialist regarding dental health problems. The following are tips that can be done to maintain healthy teeth and mouth:

1.     1. Diligent brushing teeth

    Brushing teeth is done to clean the remains of food that sticks to the teeth. Diligently brushing your teeth can make your teeth clean and healthy, and refresh your mouth. It is recommended to routinely brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, namely in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed. Use toothpaste containing fluoride to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. You need to know that the requirements for a good toothbrush are that the handle of the toothbrush is straight so that it is easy to hold, the head of the toothbrush is not too big so that it can reach all surfaces of the teeth and the bristles are soft, and the surface of the bristles is flat.

2.     2. Consume fruits and vegetables

    Consuming fruits and vegetables is very good for dental and oral health. The content of fruits and vegetables which are fibrous and watery can maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Examples of fruits such as apples, pears, watermelons, oranges, and others. Then examples of vegetables such as mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, carrots and so on.

3.     3. Drink enough water

    Drinking water is very good for the health of the body, including dental and oral health. By drinking water can help clean and shed food residue that sticks to the surface of the teeth. So you have to drink water regularly every day.

4.     4. Reduce sweet and sticky foods

    Maintaining healthy teeth and mouth can also be done by reducing or limiting consumption of sweet and sticky foods because consuming too much can cause tooth decay or cavities. Examples of sweet and sticky foods such as chocolate, candy, ice cream, cakes, and so on.

5.     5. Check your teeth regularly to the dentist

    Check your teeth regularly to the dentist at least once every 6 months to detect the condition of your teeth and mouth early. If there are problems with the teeth, gums or oral cavity, they can be addressed immediately, so you can maintain healthy teeth and mouth.


    Those are some ways to maintain healthy teeth and mouth that you can apply in your daily life, by maintaining healthy teeth and mouth you can prevent dental and oral diseases. Therefore, you must always pay attention to cleanliness, maintain a healthy lifestyle so that your teeth and mouth can be maintained properly and also healthy.

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What is Dental Health and How to Take Care of Dental Health

  Name : Prio Aji Indiarto NIM   : 221051068 Prodi : D-III Kesehatan Gigi Kelas : 1B What is Dental Health and How to Take Care of...

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