Senin, 16 Januari 2023

How to Overcome Excessive Sour Taste in the Mouth

 Name                : Muhamad Qodarian

 Nim                   : 221051055

Class/Jurusan  : 1B / DIII Kesehatan Gigi

                                                                                                                                                                                    How to Overcome Excessive Sour Taste in the Mouth
Sour Mouth Could Be a Symptom of Disease
       A sour mouth can also be a sign that you are suffering from an infection. Some types of infections that can make you experience this condition are ear and throat infections, sinusitis, and flu. Not only that, sour mouth can also be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 
       You may have experienced the sensation of a sour mouth. Well, the causes of this condition can be very diverse, ranging from the effects of food consumed, side effects of medications used, to possible symptoms of a disease.
                            Mulut Terasa Asam Ternyata Bisa Jadi Gejala Penyakit - Alodokter 
In the medical world, a taste disorder characterized by a sour mouth is called dysgeusia.
In addition to a sour mouth, people who experience this condition can also sometimes 
 taste bitter or salty sensations in their mouths. This condition can be experienced by anyone,
 both adults and children. 
How to Treat Sour Mouth

Whatever the cause of sour mouth, you can reduce the symptoms by doing the following: 
1. Drink Enough Water 
 Adequate water intake helps hydrate the mouth and facilitate 
urination. When a person regularly urinates, it helps remove
 various impurities and toxins in the body that can cause the 
mouth to taste sour.In addition to water, Moms can also add
 lemon juice and honey to eliminatethe sour taste in the mouth.
 2. Chew Gum
                                                 8 Manfaat Mengunyah Permen Karet bagi Kesehatan, Bisa Kurangi Stres - Ragam 
Chewing gum helps increase saliva production. That way, the mouth is not dry, 
triggering a sour taste. However, choose sugar-free gum, Moms.
 3. Maintain Dental and Oral Hygiene
Dokter Gigi
Maintaining oral hygiene is an important thing that should not be ignored in order to 
maintain its health.Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, using moutwash to rinse
your mouth,and regular check-ups with the dentist are the basic things that can be done.
4. Rinsing the Mouth

Rinsing the mouth can reduce sourness and other strange flavors in the mouth.

Moms can add half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda to a glass of water.

Gargle several times a week with this solution. 
5. Reduce Spicy and Fatty Foods 
                        Konsumsi Makanan Sehat 
Spicy and fatty foods can trigger acid reflux and GERD. Therefore, limit these two foods and replace them with healthier ones such as vegetables and fruits.
For that, adopt healthy living habits to avoid the various causes of sour mouth!

Those are the causes of sour mouth and how to overcome them.
Given that complaints of a sour mouth can be a sign of a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor if you experience it.
Especially if this condition often appears without a clear cause or occurs protracted.

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