Senin, 16 Januari 2023

dental and oral health in smokers

Name: Nanda Putri Utami

Nim: 221051061

Class: 1b 

Study program: d3 dental health

dental and oral health in smokers

The bad habit that is often done especially in men is smoking. Nowadays, smoking is considered a normal thing for humans to do, both adults and teenagers, even though smoking has many negative impacts on health. Various kinds of diseases that can be caused by smoking, namely cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and so on. Not only that smoking can also cause interference with dental and oral health, the impact of smoking on the oral cavity causes gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, oral cancer and causes lesions in the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

effect of smoking on oral health

Many research results state that a smoker has a greater caries rate than a non-smoker and has a greater chance of experiencing periodontal disease. The relationship between dental health problems is due to decreased function of saliva which plays a role in protecting teeth due to smoking. Other studies also state that there are differences in the buffering capacity of saliva in smokers and non-smokers, which is related to the occurrence of caries. The risk of losing teeth is 3 times greater than that of a non-smoker.

Not only that, smoking also has an effect on the oral cavity because this section is the place for the absorption of substances from cigarette combustion to occur. Toxic components in cigarettes can irritate soft tissues in the oral cavity and even cause mucosal infections, dry socket, slow wound healing, suppress osteoblast proliferation, weaken phagacytosis ability and can reduce blood supply to the gingiva. Oral soft tissue disorders due to toxic components and carcinogenic agents contained in cigarette smoke, including erythroplakia, leukoplakia, cigarette keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, and verrucous carcinoma. Pathological conditions in the cavity mouth that are also often found in smokers are root caries, halitosis, periimplantitis, decreased taste function, staining of teeth or restorations, and periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease includes accumulation of plaque and calculus, periodontal pockets, gingival inflammation, gingival recession and loss of alveolar bone. Changes in heat due to smoking, cause changes in vascularization and secretion of the salivary glands. Smoking also causes stimulation of the filiform papillae so that they become longer (hypertrophy). Long exposure to cigarette smoke can cause damage to the exposed part of the oral mucosa, thickening throughout the oral epithelium, which can cause keratotic white patches which marking leukoplakia and oral cancer.

Cigarette components.

Everyone must know cigarettes, yes cigarettes have components that can be considered quite dangerous because they contain a mixture of various chemicals. If the cigarette is burned it will release 4000 chemicals in one cigarette. The most dangerous ingredients in cigarettes are tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide.

1. tar

The impact of this tar will cause brown deposits on the surface of the teeth, lungs and one of the ingredients associated with the occurrence of oral cancer because it contains free radicals. Tar is also carcinogenic.

2. Nicotine

This is one of the ingredients that makes a person addicted to cigarettes, this nicotine is toxic, in liquid form, colorless and volatile. The impact of this nicotine is to inhibit the attachment and growth of periodontal ligament fibroblast cells, reduce the fibroblast protein content and also damage cell membranes.

3. carbon monoxide gas

Carbon monoxide affects the hemoglobin exchange system due to increased blood pressure. The influence that arises from smoking is caused by the large number of cigarettes smoked, the type of cigarette smoked and related to the depth of the cigarette suction carried out.

Smoking is not only harmful to those who do it but also to those around them as well. Stop smoking before your health is compromised and threatens your future.


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