Senin, 16 Januari 2023

How To DeaL With Loose Teeth


NIM      :221051086



    Loose teeth are a condition when the teeth move or move easily, especially when you touch them with your tongue or fingers.  Teeth can become shaky because the roots begin to separate from the gums and jaw bone.This condition is very common in children.  Shaky baby teeth indicate that the milk teeth will be dislodged and are ready to be replaced by permanent teeth.

    Usually loose teeth indicate that milk teeth will fall out and be replaced with permanent teeth.  Therefore, loose teeth are usually experienced when a child is growing teeth.

Causes of loose teeth

    If you suddenly feel your teeth moving or feel like your teeth are going to fall out, don't just let it go.  It could be that this is a sign of dental and gum problems or even a disease that you are suffering from without realizing it.  Some of the causes of loose teeth are:
  1. Periodontitis gum disease
  2. Injuries
  3. Habit of grinding teeth
  4. Pregnancy hormone
  5. Osteoporosis or porous bones
How to deal with loose teeth

    The way to treat loose teeth varies depending on the cause, but in most cases, it's best to visit a dentist to treat loose teeth, especially if you experience symptoms such as: high fever, toothache for more than 2 days, difficulty eating or speaking. It can also be prevented in the following ways:

  1. Brush your teeth properly and regularly for two minutes in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed.
  2. Use dental floss to clean food residue and plaque between the teeth and prevent tartar.
  3. Visit the dentist at least once every six months for regular check-ups and cleaning of tartar.
  4. Ensuring adequate consumption of vitamin D and calcium, either from food or supplements.
  5. Use protective teeth that can be obtained from the results of examinations to the dentist if you are an extreme sports player or if you have a habit of grinding your teeth.


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