Senin, 16 Januari 2023

How to deal with cavities

Nama: Nurul khasanah

NIM  : 221051065

Class/jurusan: 1B/DIII Kesehatan GIGI B

                                  How to deal with cavities           

Cavities are often painless.  The pain usually only appears when the hole in the tooth is not treated, gets bigger, and affects the nerves. If pain due to cavities in the teeth is not treated immediately, this can increase the risk of complications from cavities, such as the formation of pus in the teeth, sinusitis, even infections that spread throughout the body or sepsis.

How to Overcome Cavity Toothache

There are several ways you can do to deal with cavities, includin

1.Give fluoride

      If the cavity in the tooth is still in its early stages and is relatively mild, treatment with fluoride can be used as a solution to strengthen and repair damaged tooth enamel. The trick is to apply fluoride in liquid, foam, gel, or paste form to the teeth for a few minutes. Now, almost all over-the-counter toothpastes and mouthwashes contain fluoride, making it easier to take steps to treat them.  However, if this is not effective, the dentist will usually prescribe a prescription toothpaste or mouthwash with a stronger fluoride content

2. Filling teeth

       Doctors will usually fill cavities if they have caused tooth discoloration, changes in tooth structure, sudden pain for no reason, and pain when consuming sweet, cold or hot foods and drinks. To patch cavities, the doctor will remove the damaged tooth first by drilling.  After that, the teeth will be filled with materials, such as silver, gold, composite resin, or porcelain.

3. Using dental crown

       For more severely damaged or brittle teeth, the doctor will usually make a special dental crown that is placed over the tooth to replace the entire natural crown of the tooth.  These artificial crowns can be made of gold, porcelain or resin

4. Perform root canal treatment   

        Dental root canal treatment can also be done to treat cavities.  This treatment is necessary if the decay has reached the inside of the tooth or pulp. Root canal treatment is done by removing the diseased tooth pulp.

After cleaning, the dentist can make fillings or provide crowns so that the teeth do not need to be removed.

5.Pull a tooth


       Tooth extraction is necessary if root canal treatment does not help.  This means that in this condition the decay in the tooth is so severe that it cannot be recovered and must be removed.  Extracted teeth will leave spaces or gaps that allow other teeth to shift. In addition, toothless or extracted teeth can make it difficult to chew.  Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to make a bridge or a series of dentures to replace the extracted teeth.

        Cavities are often painless.  The pain usually only appears when the hole in the tooth is not treated, gets bigger, and affects the nerves. If pain due to cavities in the teeth is not treated immediately, this can increase the risk of complications from cavities, such as the formation of pus in the teeth, sinusitis, even infections that spread throughout the body or sepsis

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