Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Dental Caries In Toddlers

Name: Lulu Dwi Resha Putri



What is dental caries in children?
Dental caries in children is a condition that occurs when a child's teeth are damaged. This condition causes porous teeth, cavities, and looks black.

Signs and symptoms of caries in children
Here are some symptoms that are a sign of dental caries in children.

Pain in the area around the teeth.
Children's teeth become more sensitive to sweet, cold or hot foods or drinks.
White spots on the teeth which are the initial signs of damage to the enamel (the outermost layer of the teeth).
The appearance of small holes in the teeth, usually light brown in color.
The holes in the teeth get deeper and change color to blackish brown.

Causes of dental caries in children
Dental caries in children is caused by bacterial attack in the mouth. Usually, these bacteria will eat away the sugar from food that sticks to the teeth. Factors that increase the risk of a child's teeth developing caries.
The large number of bacteria in the mouth.
Excessive consumption of foods high in sugar and starch.
Lack of water consumption.
Too little saliva in the mouth.
Poor oral hygiene.

How to deal with dental caries in children
In most cases, the doctor will remove the decayed part of the tooth and replace it with a patch
-Immediate restoration
-Indirect restoration

How to prevent dental caries in children
Cleaning children's teeth, since they first appeared (in babies).
Using toothpaste containing fluoride (18 months–6 years low fluoride levels, 6 years and above standard fluoride levels).
Brush your teeth and gum line twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.
Clean between your child's teeth with floss after they are two years old.
Implement a healthy diet.
Limit consumption of sticky and sweet foods or drinks.
Before bedtime, only give water when the child is thirsty.
Carry out routine checks to the dentist every six months.

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