Selasa, 17 Januari 2023



Name : Nur Alfiani Rizqiyatusholeha

NIM : 221051062

Prodi : D3 Kesehatan Gigi

Class : B





   The oral cavity is one of the entrances of diseases-causing bacteria to other parts of the body.Bacteria in the oral cavity can get into other organs and cause disease.If you oral health is optimal,there are only a few bacteria that can enter the body and do not harm the body.

   By regularly brushing your teeth and flossing,the number of bad bacteria in the mouth will remain under control.When you neglect to clean your teeth,bacteria will grow and cause disease.You may have wondered,if your teeth and mouth are in optimal condition.Indeed,sometimes dental and oral diseases are often asymptomatic,but gradually can cause discomfort.

 Here are examples of characteristics of healty teeth:

1.Sturdy teeth

Sturdy teeth are one of the criteria for healty teeth.When you touch and shake your teeth,the teeth will not waver and remain in the same position.

2.Pink gums

To assess whether the condition of your mouth is healty,the gums should also not go unnoticed by you.Healty gums are pink,not reddish or pale.Pale or white gums can signal a problem in your mouth.

3. Pink Tongue

The text no less important part is the tongue.Just like gums,the normal color of the tongue should be pink and the surface feels tight.

4. No bleeding when brushing your teeth or flossing.

A sign that your teeth and gums are healty is not bleeding when brushed or cleaned with dental flass.If the gums bleed frequently enough when you brush you teeth,see a doctor immediately even if there is only a small amount of blood.

5.Breath has no smell

The smell of fragrant breath is certainly everyone’ dream.Unfortunately,our mouths cannot produce a mint-like scent naturally.

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  Name : Prio Aji Indiarto NIM   : 221051068 Prodi : D-III Kesehatan Gigi Kelas : 1B What is Dental Health and How to Take Care of...

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