Selasa, 17 Januari 2023

What if people with hypertension want to pull out teeth

Name: Syafiqa Nurhaliza
 Kelas: GIGI B
 Nim : 221051080

Hypertension but tooth extraction?

Before entering into the discussion, first of all you need to know what hypertension is?

Hypertension is the medical understanding of high blood pressure.  This condition can cause various kinds of life-threatening health complications if left unchecked.  In fact, this disorder can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and death.

Hypertension is divided into two types, namely primary and secondary hypertension. The following is an explanation of the causes of this hypertension

1. Primary Hypertension

Often, the causes of hypertension is most adults cannot be identified. Primary hypertension tends to develop gradually over years and eventually get worse if left untreate
In primary hypertension the cause can be due to:
  • Age
  • Descendants
  • Obesity
  • Foods especially foods high in salt
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking

2. Secondary Hypertension

Some people have high blood pressure due to an underlying health condition. This type of hypertension tends to occur suddenly and causes higher blood pressure than primary hypertension.

Various condition can causes secondary hypertension, including:
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
  •  Kidney problems.
  •  Adrenal gland tumor.
  •  Thyroid problems.
  •  Congenital defects in blood vessels.
  •  Medications, such as birth control pills, cold medicines, decongestants, over-the-counter painkillers.
  •  Illegal drugs.

Now! After you  understand what hypertension means, then let’s discuss what is the relationship between people who have hypertension and tooth extraction

Is there a relationship between toothache and high blood pressure?

Research published in the journal hypertension in 2021 found that tge condition of the gums can also be a trigger for high blood pressure. A study conducted by university Collage london in England on 250 healthy adults has found a link between gum disease and hypertension.

So is it permissible for people with hypertension to pull out their teeth?

 The answer is yes, as long as you are careful because if you don't have hypertension you can experience excessive bleeding.  Pulling teeth is actually a common thing if it is necessary and must be removed.  but for people with hypertension, Professor Bambang Irawan , Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia emphasized to be careful. 

the most important reason, people with hypertension will be at risk of bleeding if tooth extraction is done carelessly.  Excessive bleeding can result in a decrease in hemoglobin or red blood cell numbers, so that the sufferer can be deficient in blood.

“ therefore, adrenaline is not used in hypertensive patients. But the dentist will work with an internal medicine doctor to solve his hypertension problem" Bambang said

 How much hypertension do you have to pull out a tooth?

Tooth extraction it is not accompanied by pain so that you cannot eat, it can be included in an action that can be postponed at a later time while waiting for the blood pressure to stabilize or less than 130/80mmHg, he tooth extraction process is usually done by injuring the gum area, if the root of the tooth is firmly attached to the gum.  This wounding process will of course pose a risk of bleeding in patients who have had their teeth removed.  This bleeding can last quite a long time or there is quite a lot of bleeding, especially those with hypertension or high blood pressure.  In fact, some literature states that the risk of bleeding will be minimal in patients with grade I hypertension (one).  However, for patients with hypertension grade II and so on, it is better before carrying out tooth extraction, blood pressure must be within normal limits or in other words they must first receive treatment to treat hypertension. 

Where there are 3 things that cause an increase in blood pressure:

1. anxiety when tooth extraction is about to be done

Anxiety is a natural thing for everyone to experience that can have a great influence on behavior change. Anxiety is a normal response to events that are considered threatening. Anxiety during dental treatment has ranked 5th in situations that are considered scary. The focus of the problem is the level of anxiety of adult patients after tooth extraction.

2. anxiety when tooth extraction is about to be performed, the process of tooth extraction that will cause pain and stimulate the sympathetic nervous system Sympatheic nerve istem that regulates blood pressure (this innervation is more sensitive to raising blood pressure in those who do have a history of hypertension)

3. Anesthesia of the tooth

anesthesia or anesthesia used in the tooth extraction process, can trigger bleeding in people with hypertension if not handled properly.  Anesthesia functions to increase adrenaline which can speed up the action of drugs said to be able to trigger blood flow more quickly in people with hypertension

So, how to lower blood pressure and cholesterol together?

1. exercise regularly

Exercise is one way to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol.
How to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol can be done with regular physical activity.
Exercise trains the heart muscle so it is stronger.  When the heart is stronger, it is able to pump more blood without forcing the heart muscle to work.  The pressure in the blood vessels also decreases.
When exercising, the body stimulates enzymes that work to get rid of bad cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels to the liver (liver).
In the liver, cholesterol is converted into a substance that helps digestion and is excreted from the body.

2. Avoid foods that trigger hypertension and cholesterol


How to lower blood pressure and other cholesterol can also be done by avoiding trigger foods. Here are the types of foods to avoid:
  1. fast food
  2. Processed meats
  3. Processed cheeses


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