Senin, 16 Januari 2023

The Trigger Of Plaque On The Teeth

 Nama : Siti Qomariah

Nim : 221051075


Prodi: D3 kesehatan gigi 

Cause Plaque in The Teeth:

      Initially, dental plaque was formed when bacteria in the mouth mixed with protein and food remained. If not cleaned, then plaque can cause tartar.

If acid is left out and does not get treated immediately, then irritation and inflammation in the teeth and gums will easily appear.

  1. Inappropriate teeth and mouth hygiene, for example rarely brushes teeth or doesn't floss with teeth
  2. The habit of eating foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as candy, milk, packaged drinks, and cakes
  3. Smoking habits and consuming alcoholic beverages
  4. Dry mouth, for example because of the side effects of medicines, autoimmune diseases, or thyroid disorders
  5. These stack cannot be cleaned by brushing your teeth as usual. This allows bacteria on tartar causing irritation and impairing gums and teeth.                     

like the picture above 👆

Over time, irritation can trigger gum disease, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which can be seriously affected if not treated. Therefore, keep your teeth clean and consult a dentist regularly. That way, tartar can be detected early on and immediately overcome it.

overcoming tart and plaque that can be done at home is : 
  1. Routinely brushing your teeth
  2. Use floss and gargle
  3. Reduce sugar consumption
  4. Drink enough water
  5. Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages


Avoid Foods That Cause plaque on the teeth
The remains of food that accumulates in the teeth and the mouth need time to form corals. Sooner or later, the formation of coral depends on owned salivary rates, meaning everyone will take a different time in developing these illnesses. In addition to saliva pH, the type of food consumed can actually increase dental risk. The formation of teeth plaque on people who have high saliva rates, which are above 7 will usually occur faster. Therefore, people who have high salivary levels may have to be more regular and careful in maintaining tooth hygiene, regularly brushing their teeth and using tooth threads.

3 Foods Can Cause plaque on the teeth : 
  • Sweet Foods
  • Candy and Chocolate
  • Soft and Alcohol

happy reading hopefully useful 🙌🏻😉


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