Selasa, 17 Januari 2023

How to deal with bad breath

 Name: Syahida

Nim: 221051081

Class: B (D3 kesehatan gigi)

How to deal With Bad Breath

Get to know the various causes of bad breath

 Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth that produce smelly chemical compounds.  This bacterial growth in the mouth can arise due to problems with the teeth and mouth, such as:

• Dental plaque

 •Dirty tongue

 •Dry mouth


 •Remaining tooth roots

 •Leftover food that accumulates between the teeth

• Dentures that are not kept clean

 •Inflammation or infection of the oral cavity

All of these things start from poor dental and oral hygiene.  Apart from problems in the mouth, there are some that also have the potential to cause bad breath, namely:

• Consuming onions or bananas, spicy foods, sugary foods, alcoholic beverages, or caffeinated drinks


 •Suffer from diabetes, gastric disease, sinusitis, tonsillitis, or kidney failure

How to Overcome Bad Breath

 Here are some ways to deal with bad breath that you can apply:


1. Brush your teeth regularly

 The easiest way to deal with bad breath is to routinely brush your teeth twice a day, namely in the morning and at night before going to bed.  Don't forget to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste that contains fluoride.

 2. Cleaning the tongue

 Not only teeth, tongue also needs to be cleaned regularly.  Clean the tongue with a special tongue brush or tongue scraper.  If you want to use a toothbrush, choose a soft-bristled brush.

 Clean your tongue gently and don't press too hard because it can cause your tongue to hurt.

 3. Clean between the teeth with dental floss

 After eating, sometimes there is leftover food left between the teeth and it is difficult to clean it just by brushing your teeth.  This can be overcome with dental floss or dental floss.

 Cleaning between the teeth is not only done when there is food stuck, but needs to be done regularly after brushing your teeth.  This method is able to overcome bad breath significantly.

 4. Gargle with mouthwash

 Mouthwash can also be an effective way to deal with bad breath.  Mouthwash can prevent the formation of dental plaque which can trigger bad breath.

 Choose an antibacterial mouthwash and you should not use mouthwash that contains alcohol too often because it can actually cause dry mouth.

5. Chewing gum

 To prevent dry mouth that can cause bad breath, chew gum that doesn't contain sugar.  Chewing gum is known to stimulate saliva production.

 6. Drink more water

 Apart from chewing gum, drinking lots of water is also important to prevent dry mouth.  You can see the color of the urine to assess the adequacy of the water you are consuming.  Pale yellow and clear urine color indicates you are drinking enough water.

 7. Check your teeth to the dentist regularly

 Another thing that is no less important in dealing with bad breath is to regularly check your teeth to the dentist at least once every 6 months.  That way, problems in the oral cavity that can cause bad breath can be detected early and treated immediately.


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